
Articles that appeared in the Geelong Advertiser

Geelong man dies on US adventure
TRIBUTES have flowed for former Geelong man Heath Dickson, who died overseas just a week before he was due to return home. The 21-year-old died on Thursday as a result of a tragic accident. It is believed Dickson was struck by a car at Lake Tahoe in the United States, where he had travelled to as part of a snowboarding adventure. Family and friends have since flooded The Geelong Advertiser with messages of support for Dickson, or ‘‘Huggie’’ as he was affectionately known. One group of friends even attempted to organise a full page notice in The Advertiser to honour the popular figure. The group failed to complete their mission in time for today’s paper, but tributes continued to flow. In one message yesterday, Dickson’s mother Fran lauded ‘‘Huggie’’ as the happiest soul on earth. ‘‘You were so comfortable with who you were. You followed your dreams, you were passionate for your family, for your mates, for snowboarding, for life. You were the happiest soul on earth,’’ she wrote. A funeral date is unknown.


Tears for Huggie, who died living his dream

GEELONG’S St Mary’s Basilica was filled to overflowing yesterday for the funeral of popular snowboarder Heath Dickson. Dickson, 21, died earlier this month in the US just a week before he was due to return home. It is believed Dickso was struck by a car at Lake Tahoe in the US, where he had gone as part of a snowboarding expedition. Since his death, the Geelong Advertiser has been inundated with messages of support from family and friends for Dickson, or ‘‘Huggie’’ as he was affectionately known. Yesterday’s funeral bore that out, with St Mary’s chosen as the venue because it was the only one thought big enough to hold the expected crowd. The funeral service was conducted by family friend Noelene Steven, a chaplain at a Melbourne hospital. Ms Steven said she never would have thought she would be conducting Mr Dickson’s funeral. ‘‘He was like a magnet and drew people to him,’’ she said of Dickson. ‘‘He wasn’t loud—he just had a presence and people loved to be near him.’’ Dickson’s father Bill said that snowboarding was his son’s life, and he had deferred university with that great argument: ‘‘Nah’’. Mr Dickson said the world would be a better place if more people, especially world leaders, adopted some of his son’s values in life. ‘‘We are so immensely proud of ‘Huggie’ and pleased to know he was
living his dream,’’ Mr Dickson said. ‘‘He was ‘lovin’ it’.’’ The snowboarder’s friends formed a guard of honour in Yarra Street with snowboards as the hearse left St Mary’s on its way to the crematorium.

Newspaper Tributes

DICKSON, Heath William,
“Huggie”. —
10/10/84 – 05/05/06
Tragically at Lake Tahoe, USA. Adored son of Fran and Bill, much loved brother of Cam. Dearly loved grandson of Jack and Wilma O’Reilly and Mollie and Alec Dickson (both dec).

I loved and adored you and you knew it. You loved and adored me and I knew it, we were so close. There was nothing left unsaid. You were so comfortable with who you were. You followed your dreams, you were passionate for your family, for your mates, for snowboarding, for life. You were the happiest soul on this earth. I prayed to God to keep you safe. I meant this to be much longer darling, not just 21 years. I love you and thank you for being such a respectful and beautiful son to me and brother to Cammy.
— Mum xoxo

Huggie, you are so special. You are such a beautiful person in so many ways. The smile that never leaves your face says it all. You know that life is about people and you have and will continue to make a difference to so many lives. You lived your dream and always supported others in achieving theirs. You love your family and your friends unconditionally. You are an inspiration to me and I am privileged to be your father. I’m so proud of you Hug. Catch you Hug, you’re a champ. — Dad.

Huggie, my brother. An intelligent, talented and loving person. You loved all your family and friends just as much as they loved you. Your life was too short, but you lived every day to the fullest. Your smile brightened up everyone’s day. I was always so proud to be called little Huggie. I know we’ll be together again. You’ll always be in my heart. I love you.
— Cam. xoxo

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggie – with that big, wide, beautiful smile. A fine, fine, young man. All quality……… Cherished nephew and cousin of Geoff and Maur; Marc, Kylie, Fraser and Mia; Paul and Bec; Beth and Matt.

DICKSON Heath (Huggie) Memories of our precious grandson’s loving caring and vibrant nature will remain in our hearts forever. Our loss, Heavens gain.
Nanna and Grandpa

DICKSON Heath Huggie you lived for life, always happy with that special laugh and sense of humour. Thank you for the times we were able to share. Too young to go but the memories will never fade. You were dearly loved and will be sadly missed.
Chris, Cherie, Erin, Brighid and Rhys.

DICKSON, Heath   What an inspiration. You lived your dreams to the full without a hint of selfishness. A person who brought smiles and warmth to all he touched and will forever more.  Rowdy and Goo Boy will never forget you, the very special Huggie.  Who couldn’t help but love you Hugs.
Helene, Michael, Maddy and Craig

DICKSON, Heath. — The Principal, Staff and students of Kardinia International College wish to express their sadness on the passing of our former student Heath. He was a valued member of our College Community. Our deepest sympathy to our colleague and teacher Bill and to Heath’s mother and brother Fran and Campbell.

DICKSON, Heath. — My prayers are for you and your family. Take strength — Your friends in Chiang Mai.
— Aom.

Mr Dickson, we are thinking of you all the time. With love
— Your students in Chiang Mai.

DICKSON, Heath. — Heartfelt sympathy to Bill and family at this sad time. Heath was able to follow his dreams and his life was the richer for this. Our loving thoughts are with you.
— John and Deb.

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggie. You were, and always will be one of the biggest legends I have ever known. We had some great times together. I’ll miss you. Rest in peace mate.
— Whale.

DICKSON, Heath (Huggie). — I had only known you for 10 years but saw you as a terrific young man and wonderful son. My deepest sympathies to Bill, Fran and Cam.
— Neil Rankcom.

DICKSON, Huggy. — Our deepest sympathy to Bill, Fran and Cam. Huggy’s memory will live on always. Our hearts are with you.
— The Wylie family.

DICKSON, Heath. — Most heartfelt sympathy to Bill, Fran and Cam. Huggie, I’ll miss you, but you’ll always be with me.
— Mr Kotter.

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggy, mate what can I say, you are by far one of God’s most amazing and colourful creations. The passion you had for family, friends and anything in life you wanted to achieve is truly an inspiration for anyone who knew you. Words cannot describe how valuable your friendship meant to us and knowing we have had our last beer together, is so hard to swallow. So many memories of fun times together will remain with me until we meet again. You will never be forgotten. Our deepest sympathy to Fran, Billy and Cam. Thinking of you all.
— Finno and Tess.

DICKSON, Heath William. — The staff of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor at Deakin University extend their deepest sympathy to our much loved friend Fran on the tragic loss of her beloved son, Heath. Our thoughts are with you.

DICKSON, Heath. — Dear Fran, Bill and Cam, we are so sad about the heartbreaking loss of your beautiful son and brother. Hug, you were taken far too soon, but what an awesome life you lived.
— Merv, Robyn and Andrew.

Hug, we are so happy to have known you all these years. You were always like a brother to us girls. We will hold you forever in our hearts. — Caitlin and Georgia Clarke.

DICKSON, Heath William. — The Council, staff and students of Deakin University express their heartfelt sympathy to Fran, Bill and Cam on the tragic loss of their son and brother.

DICKSON, Huggie. — You were a joy to be around, you loved life and lived with so much enthusiasm and passion it rubbed off on everyone around you. You loved Fran, Bill and Cam and you loved snowboarding and food. I will never forget you. The best days of my life were spent with you. Goodbye for now, ride on
— Kinga.

DICKSON, Heath (Huggie). — A true mate who was always there. You were taken away too soon but I will forever hold you dearly in my heart. You were living your dream. I will never forget you Hug! Champion forever! My deepest sympathies to Franno, Cam and Bill. Loving you always and forever. — Kristie Lee.

DICKSON, Heath (Huggie). — A gentle, kind, fun loving man who loved his friends and family dearly. His radiating personality would never cease to make me smile. My deepest respects go out to Fran, Billy and Cam. Thanks for everything Hug. Much love and respect — Baumy.

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggie, you loved your football, you loved your sport, you crammed a lot into such a short life. We will truly miss you. To Fran, Bill and Cam go our prayers.
— The President and Members of the Modewarre Football & Netball Club.

DICKSON, Heath. — Fond memories of a busy little boy with a cheeky grin. He quickly grew into a fine young man and too quickly was taken. Deepest sympathy to Fran, Bill and Campbell. May your precious memories bring you peace and comfort.
— Julie, Jarrah and Kate.

DICKSON, Heath (Huggie). A wonderful young guy with an adventurous soul. Huggy your lust for life was inspirational. You will live on in the many hearts you touched. Our love and thoughts are with you Fran, Bill and Cam.
—Lesley, Buster, Ry and Zac.

DICKSON, Huggie. — My fun loving party animal, my memories of you will never fade or fail to bring a smile to my face and a tear to my eye. A true blue mate through and through, you’ll be sorely missed by anyone lucky enough to have known you.
— Pen.

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggie, I am honoured I have been able to call you a friend over the years. Your memory will live forever in me. “…This is where you come in” I miss you, I love you.
— Pedroew.

DICKSON, Heath. — We are conveying our deepest sadness and our thoughts are with you Bill, Fran and Cam. Fondest memories of our Mt Duneed days.
—Peter, Maureen, Taylor and Nel Clarke (Qld).

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggie, You were an amazing friend to everyone who was blessed to have met you. It was an honour to have known you and been a part of your life.
— Dave Reilly.

DICKSON, Heath. — To dear Bill, our very deepest sympathy to you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
— Pat, Ross, Sean, Caitlin and Daniel Trevaskis.

DICKSON, Heath (Huggie). — You were the boy who everyone knew and loved. Life of the party. You’ll always be remembered.
— Tash and Nat. xo

DICKSON, Heath. — So young, too soon. Our love and sympathies to Bill, Fran and Cam on your tragic loss of Heath.
Love — Beth, Peter, James, Heath and Morgan Flanagan.

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggie you will be remembered and loved by all who knew you. Rest in Peace Condolences to Bill, Fran and Cammy on your tragic loss.
— Chrissy C.

DICKSON, Heath. — We are deeply saddened by the sudden passing of Huggie, a friend to all of us over the years. May your memory never be forgotten.
— Gatta, Matty, Briggie and Dave.

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggie, thank you for everything. Your influence has inspired us to live life to the fullest. So much love,
— Josh (I will never forget Tahoe) and Matty.

DICKSON, Heath. — A lovely young man and neighbour of Simon and Maree; Karen and Ken. Our thoughts are with you Fran, Bill and Cam at this sad time.

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggie, I loved you so much and I will miss you even more. Until we see each other again mate. Peace.
— Hino.

DICKSON, Huggie.— Fondest memories of a champion friend. My thoughts are with Fran, Bill and Cam.
— Becky Hawkins.

DICKSON, Heath. — Deepest sympathy to Bill, Fran and Cam. All our prayers and love.
— Deb, Stan, Daniel, Manon and families.

DICKSON, Heath (Huggy). Deepest sympathy to the Dickson family on their sad loss, our thoughtsare with you all. Love
— The Finning family.

DICKSON, Heath. — To Bill, Fran and Cam. Deepest sympathy on the tragic loss of Huggie.
—Peter, Cherie, Melissa and Andrew, Tyler, Kayla.

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggy, RIP brotha, it will be hard without you. Love you always man.
— Sammy.

DICKSON, Heath. — Died tragically. Beloved nephew of John and Denise, cousin of Darcy. Memories of a wonderful young man who brought so much warmth, happiness and fun to his family and friends.
A joy to his parents and brother. Our deepest sympathy to Fran, Bill and Cam. Rest in peace.

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggie – inspirational, passionate, loyal, funny, resilient, energised. A beautiful smile, a beautiful person. Our loved nephew and cousin.
— Bernie, Ian, Matt, Caity, Taylor and Meg.

DICKSON, Heath. — To Bill, Fran and Cam, our thoughts have been filled with the pain and loss that your family is experiencing each day. May you take comfort in the love and support that you will find in each other and those friends that surround each of you. Those we love remain in our hearts forever. May your love, the memories of Heath and your life together help sustain you and give you comfort when you need them the most. With deepest sympathy.
— Hans and Jacob.

DICKSON, Heath “Huggie”. — Will always remember the good times we shared Hug from the first time I met you many years ago. You will be a well missed friend to many of us. I’ll miss you Hugsta.
— Marcus Pearson.

Heath “Huggie”, A special person, A special face, A special someone we cannot replace. So tragically taken, only 21.
— Mark, Margaret, Xavier and Marcus Pearson.

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggie, my greatest friend and my biggest inspiration. You were so talented, amazing and special and so dedicated to us and your family. I am so privileged and glad that I got so many great and unforgettable years with you. I am going to miss you like crazy. To imagine this life without you is so hard. Keep it real for us! I love you hug! I will never forget you.
— Yoski (Jess).

DICKSON, Heath (Huggie). We saw you grow from a boy to a man. What a man! Kind, thoughtful and loving. A personality that lit up the room. To our dear friends Fran, Bill and Cam, there are no words, we send our love to you at this sad time.
— Barrie, Gail and Todd.

DICKSON, Huggie. — You’re one in a million. You will remain in our hearts forever. We will never forget the way you taught us to make fun out of anything.
Love — Trebs and Rach.

DICKSON, Heath. — Members of the Warriors extend their deepest sympathy to Bill, Fran and Cam on the tragic loss of their son and brother.

DICKSON, Huggie. — Much loved brother. Your addiction to “loving life” was an inspiration to us all. I’ll never forget you. Rest in pow pow.
Love — Reece.

DICKSON, Heath (Huggie). Fondest memories will live forever. Deepest
sympathy to Bill, Fran and Cam (C.D.).
—Skip, Lindy, Jay, Sandi and Todd.

DICKSON, Heath. — Although you’re gone, the awesome memories will stay strong. We hope to see you again one day.
— Gab and Georgia.

DICKSON, Heath. — Dear Fran, Bill and Cam, my thoughts are with you at this time. Heath was a wonderful boy.
— Cec Tolliday.

DICKSON, Heath (Huggie). You were a special person, it was a pleasure to have known you. Love
— Becky and Abbey.

DICKSON, Heath (Huggie) you will resonate in our hearts forever. A Special nephew.
Love — Clare, Tony and Jack.

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggie, always smiling and gave the best roundest hugs. We will always love you and miss you. We are so glad you are part of our lives. You may be gone but never will be forgotten. We’ll always remember you getting Fezzy! Our thoughts and love are with Fran, Bill and Cammy. Love you Huggie. Your home girls
— Danielle, Skye, Michelle, Jess, Soph and Ang.

DICKSON, Heath. — much. You brightened up our days. We’ve shared so many laughs and happy times together. We always felt safe with you. You taught us what was important in life, family, friends and to make the most of every day. We will miss you so much. You will always be the other man in our life forever.
— Rach, Taz, Lucy and Jano.

DICKSON, Heath. — Hug, Words can’t express how much you’re loved and how much you’ll be missed. Thank you for the awesome memories and so many laughs! Much love. Deepest condolences to Fran, Cam, Bill and family.
— Kylie xx

DICKSON, Huggie. — Huggie, you will be remembered as a genuine and fun filled guy. Forever laughing, illuminating a great story and up for a drink! Our sympathies and regards to the family and close friend.
— Roxy and Katie Leishman

DICKSON, Heath (Huggie). You were one of the biggest champs I knew.Always laughing or making other people laugh. I’ve learned a lot from you, and I’m sure a lot of other people did also. Rest in peace mate. My thoughts are with Fran, Billy and Cam.
— Reeso.

DICKSON, Huggie. — The world suddenly doesn’t turn the same Hug, you lived to love and loved to live. Crack a cold one for me mate. This isn’t goodbye, it’s just “catch you later”. Here’s to never growing old, my friend. Love eternally,
— Nellie (Nellanor).

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggy, I will never forget you, your humour and your love of life. There were many great times had and some awesome memories that I will keep forever. You’ll always be remembered in my heart.
— Fro.

DICKSON, Huggy. — We may be far apart, but you will always be in my heart. Deepest sympathy on your tragic loss, Fran, Bill and Cam.
— Serena Graham.

DICKSON, Heath (Huggie). — You’re one of a kind, you made the most of life and your character will live with us forever. Rest in peace brother.
— Trippa and Kritta.

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggie, you were my brother and my friend, many great times together. ’Til we meet
again mate.
— Duffy.

DICKSON, Heath. — While reasons elude us, your presence remains and always will. Our deepest sympathies to our brother Bill, Fran and Cam.
—Cathy and Bryan (Pasadena, USA).

DICKSON, Hugs.— Words cannot express how much I loved you. You were my inspiration for everything. Your lovable personality, humour and good intentions were far greater than anyone in this world. It’s going to be hard without you mate. Fran, Bill and Cam, you will always be a part of my life. May my shoulders be broad enough to bear some of the weight of your heavy hearts. For ever we travel. Rest in peace brother. Much love.
— Kendall.

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggie is a free spirit who charted his own course in the world, yet remained loving and loyal to his family, friends and the good people he met along the way. We will miss Huggie, but as he travels on his next big adventure, I am certain he continues to bring smiles and joy to some other part of this vast incomprehensible universe. My heartfelt thoughts are with Bill, Fran and Cam.
— Steve Gration.

DICKSON, Heath “Huggie”. — Heartfelt sympathy to Fran, Bill and Cam at this very sad time. There are no words to express the pain that you are feeling now. Such a strong bond between a family. Huggie, you will be sadly missed by all your mates but you have left behind loads of great memories.
— The Kendall family.

DICKSON, Heath “Huggie”. — Mate, you are the most kind hearted person I have ever met, loyal, honest and caring. I was proud to be your mate. You are going to be sorely missed. Just wish I had the chance to say goodbye. Love ya.
— James Coates.

DICKSON, Huggie. — You are the most loveable person a friend could ask for. Thank you for bringing me so much happiness and always putting a smile on my face. You are my hero. Love you forever.
— Orzo.

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggie, you were so full of life, it’ll be hard getting used to not having you around. Wherever you are, I hope that you’re riding in waist deep powder for eternity. Deepest sympathy to Fran, Bill and Cam. Love

DICKSON, Heath. — Sincere sympathy to Fran, Bill and Cam. Huggie was a great bloke who loved life. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
— Ricky (Mufnz) and Coco.
“Peace out”

DICKSON, Heath. — Huggie, you were like a brother, love you Hugs. Until I see your smiling face again.
— Tom C.

Our thoughts are with you Fran, Bill and Cam.
— Tom and Annette.

DICKSON, Heath (Huggie). — A great mate, a true champion, what can I say. My thoughts are with you Bill, Fran and Cam at this sad time.
— Justin Mills (Crusty).

DICKSON, Heath. — Heartfelt sympathy to Fran, Bill and Cam. Our thoughts are with you.
Love — Andrea and Mike.

DICKSON, Huggie. — Huggie, always loving. A good friend, you will always be with us. Love always
— Azz and Nat.