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348 entries.
Christine Harris wrote on April 12, 2007
To Huggies Family (especially Fran and Cam)- as the 12 month anniversary draws closer and the pain still hurts - please know that there is a lot of love, prays and thoughts sent to you from all over the world. Lots of Love - Christine from Deakin
To Huggies Family (especially Fran and Cam)- as the 12 month anniversary draws closer and the pain still hurts - please know that there is a lot of love, prays and thoughts sent to you from all over the world. Lots of Love - Christine from Deakin... Collapse
kinga wrote on April 9, 2007
huuu..ggie "RIP IT UP!" then the next bit of the footage you come crashing through a tree! (instead of over it) Ha ha funny times learning to snowboard.
huuu..ggie "RIP IT UP!" then the next bit of the footage you come crashing through a tree! (instead of over it) Ha ha funny times learning to snowboard.... Collapse
buster wrote on February 27, 2007
hey Huggie, I just bumped into your dad at K park and he told me about your website.Looking at it, I couldn't help smiling through the tears.You've obviously made a positive impact on so many lives, and you still do.We love you and we miss you. Keep smiling on us.
hey Huggie, I just bumped into your dad at K park and he told me about your website.Looking at it, I couldn't help smiling through the tears.You've obviously made a positive impact on so many lives, and you still do.We love you and we miss you. Keep smiling on us.... Collapse
orz wrote on February 19, 2007
hug words could never describe how beautiful this place is. i find myself constantly looking across this beautiful lake as i blur my eyes I try and picture you. I picture you smashing past me on you snowboard with a big smile, picture you on the couch waiting very impatiently for your dinner. waking up early trying to get every one up so you can get up the mountain. you know that not a day goes by that I don't wish you were here with us. miss you hero love always
hug words could never describe how beautiful this place is. i find myself constantly looking across this beautiful lake as i blur my eyes I try and picture you. I picture you smashing past me on you snowboard with a big smile, picture you on the couch waiting very impatiently for your dinner. waking up early trying to get every one up so you can get up the mountain. you know that not a day goes by that I don't wish you were here with us. miss you hero love always... Collapse
Dad (Billy) wrote on February 16, 2007
Heath you always said -'Dad you'ld love it' and you were so right.Lake Tahoe is an amazing place. The Lake and the mountains are magnificent. It is only right that a part of you will always remain in such a beautiful and special place in your life. Your spirit will always remain in my heart and guide me. Huggie I love you so much - you're a champ'just lovin it'Dad xxxooxx
Heath you always said -'Dad you'ld love it' and you were so right.Lake Tahoe is an amazing place. The Lake and the mountains are magnificent. It is only right that a part of you will always remain in such a beautiful and special place in your life. Your spirit will always remain in my heart and guide me. Huggie I love you so much - you're a champ'just lovin it'Dad xxxooxx... Collapse
cammy wrote on February 1, 2007
bro, i'm finally seeing your life through your eyes. The most beautiful place on this earth no words can explain. the excitement you had for this place has worn off on me. Everytime i hit a run i know youre with me, the memories will last forever i just wish we had more to make. not a day goes past brother you arent on my mind and in my heart. there will always be a piece missing til we meet again. i love you huggie and that will never change. xoxo
bro, i'm finally seeing your life through your eyes. The most beautiful place on this earth no words can explain. the excitement you had for this place has worn off on me. Everytime i hit a run i know youre with me, the memories will last forever i just wish we had more to make. not a day goes past brother you arent on my mind and in my heart. there will always be a piece missing til we meet again. i love you huggie and that will never change. xoxo... Collapse
annonymous wrote on January 11, 2007
I didn't exactly know Hug well, we met and hung out a few times in the Funk and those times out of many nights on the town I remember. I remember him walking in with a group of the "boys" and you would recognise him for his smile was from ear to ear and he always wanted to know what you were doing and how you were doing. He has gone to soon and seeing the pain in so many peoples eyes does hurt but in them also is respect and pride that they each have the most lively, beautiful and courageous guy in their hearts.
I didn't exactly know Hug well, we met and hung out a few times in the Funk and those times out of many nights on the town I remember. I remember him walking in with a group of the "boys" and you would recognise him for his smile was from ear to ear and he always wanted to know what you were doing and how you were doing. He has gone to soon and seeing the pain in so many peoples eyes does hurt but in them also is respect and pride that they each have the most lively, beautiful and courageous guy in their hearts.... Collapse
Nita wrote on December 30, 2006
Heya Hugs, thinking of you everyday I slide on down the mountain, organising to be back in Tahoe for spring and will hopefully catch up with all the boys.
Heya Hugs, thinking of you everyday I slide on down the mountain, organising to be back in Tahoe for spring and will hopefully catch up with all the boys.... Collapse
Alison wrote on December 25, 2006
Heath (huggie) - I never got to know you, but now I am friends with Hayden, and you have touched so many lives in your so little years. I know life is strange and we may never understand why, but you now know why, and the friends and family you left behind miss you so much. I am sorry Tahoe had to end with such tears and pain, but I know a part of you is here, and Tahoe loves and misses you. My prayers go out to your family and friends. And until you meet again, keep on soaring!
Heath (huggie) - I never got to know you, but now I am friends with Hayden, and you have touched so many lives in your so little years. I know life is strange and we may never understand why, but you now know why, and the friends and family you left behind miss you so much. I am sorry Tahoe had to end with such tears and pain, but I know a part of you is here, and Tahoe loves and misses you. My prayers go out to your family and friends. And until you meet again, keep on soaring!... Collapse
bek c wrote on December 10, 2006
hey there champ,how much you have reached my heart! i am so unfortunate not to have known you better, but i am blessed for any second i did.i know whenever i fall flat from my board you'll lend me your hand as you would have for any other. all my love bek x
hey there champ,how much you have reached my heart! i am so unfortunate not to have known you better, but i am blessed for any second i did.i know whenever i fall flat from my board you'll lend me your hand as you would have for any other. all my love bek x... Collapse
Erin O'Reilly wrote on December 8, 2006
Hey Hugs. Missing you loads at the moment. We're off to Seymour 2moro, you know the annual family gig. Cam, Brighid and I are really going to miss you not being there. Man we have had some laughs at this do. Rest assured that we'll carry on the tradition.I know you've been there with me on all my trips recently. In particular Thailand, I felt you there with me the whole time. Hope you had as much fun as i did!! Love you lots, and will be thinking of you all the time. xxx
Hey Hugs. Missing you loads at the moment. We're off to Seymour 2moro, you know the annual family gig. Cam, Brighid and I are really going to miss you not being there. Man we have had some laughs at this do. Rest assured that we'll carry on the tradition.I know you've been there with me on all my trips recently. In particular Thailand, I felt you there with me the whole time. Hope you had as much fun as i did!! Love you lots, and will be thinking of you all the time. xxx... Collapse
pedroew wrote on November 13, 2006
Hugs, Thinkin of you heaps mate. Hino summed up my feelings below, it's true bro, you truely were an awesome human being, Finished commerce last week, didn't feel right finishing without one of the men i started it with hey.
Hugs, Thinkin of you heaps mate. Hino summed up my feelings below, it's true bro, you truely were an awesome human being, Finished commerce last week, didn't feel right finishing without one of the men i started it with hey.... Collapse
Dad - Billy wrote on November 12, 2006
Huggie I've just come from seeing your playground in a Karen hill tribe (Ban Mae Lid)near Mae Sarieng. The children where 'just lovin it'. Photos of you at Tahoe in their classroom has rightfully made you a legend. You inspire countless people in so many parts of the world. Love you and miss you always Hug - you're a champ.Dad xxxxxxxx
Huggie I've just come from seeing your playground in a Karen hill tribe (Ban Mae Lid)near Mae Sarieng. The children where 'just lovin it'. Photos of you at Tahoe in their classroom has rightfully made you a legend. You inspire countless people in so many parts of the world. Love you and miss you always Hug - you're a champ.Dad xxxxxxxx... Collapse
Lowesy wrote on November 12, 2006
Hugs, never before have I met a person so liked and admired, it is amazing how much your passion for life has inspired others. I had some great times with you mate, and I can't wait until our next drink.
Hugs, never before have I met a person so liked and admired, it is amazing how much your passion for life has inspired others. I had some great times with you mate, and I can't wait until our next drink.... Collapse
mat hardiman wrote on November 12, 2006
you were always having a wicked time,and so full of was an honour to have known u hug.. RIP
you were always having a wicked time,and so full of was an honour to have known u hug.. RIP... Collapse
jess cooper wrote on November 12, 2006
Huggie you are the best. The times i shared with you were the funnest times of my life. You made it so much easier for me to fit into school, i couldnt have asked for a better friend. You've inspired me to live life to the fullest. i miss you so much and my thoughts are always with you and always will be. love you hug xoxo
Huggie you are the best. The times i shared with you were the funnest times of my life. You made it so much easier for me to fit into school, i couldnt have asked for a better friend. You've inspired me to live life to the fullest. i miss you so much and my thoughts are always with you and always will be. love you hug xoxo... Collapse
🙂 wrote on October 29, 2006
hey mate,g-cup has just been bought back funny memories from last years fez... anyways thinkin of ya champ xoxo
hey mate,g-cup has just been bought back funny memories from last years fez... anyways thinkin of ya champ xoxo... Collapse
-c wrote on October 20, 2006
Hey HuggieJust a quick note to say i miss you and thank you for being the person that u r. You have inspired me and everyone who knew u to live life with joy and friendship. I will never forget u or the way just being in your company brightened the worst day. Luv ya. Great guy, great times, great memories.
Hey HuggieJust a quick note to say i miss you and thank you for being the person that u r. You have inspired me and everyone who knew u to live life with joy and friendship. I will never forget u or the way just being in your company brightened the worst day. Luv ya. Great guy, great times, great memories.... Collapse
KENDALL wrote on October 10, 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUGS!!!!Thanks Frano and Cammy for another great night at Austin Street.I know you loved every minute last night Heath Dickson .You may not have been with us physically but the high spirits of everyone proved you were amongst it! You have always been the one who has brought all of us together with your sociable and loving spirit and you will continue to do so forever!!! I know there is no way you would ever miss out on that fantastic array of finger food! I am always going to miss you Hug! You will live on in our hearts and in our minds! You have changed my life forever. True hero and a funny funny man, Love you... Read more
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUGS!!!!Thanks Frano and Cammy for another great night at Austin Street.I know you loved every minute last night Heath Dickson .You may not have been with us physically but the high spirits of everyone proved you were amongst it! You have always been the one who has brought all of us together with your sociable and loving spirit and you will continue to do so forever!!! I know there is no way you would ever miss out on that fantastic array of finger food! I am always going to miss you Hug! You will live on in our hearts and in our minds! You have changed my life forever. True hero and a funny funny man, Love you Hugs! Happy Birthday Brother!!!!!Xoxoxoxoxox Kendall... Collapse
hino wrote on October 10, 2006
Happy birthday huggler,we had such a great time celebrating your birthday mate and i'm sure your proud of frano for recounting a few of the things that made you such an extraordinary human being in her speech last night. I will always aspire to have some of the qualities we remember in you. After months of grief and tears now when i think about you i feel happy and start to smile. I know thats the way you would have wanted it hugs. Fran said last night you were good at making people happy. I luv ya mate,hino
Happy birthday huggler,we had such a great time celebrating your birthday mate and i'm sure your proud of frano for recounting a few of the things that made you such an extraordinary human being in her speech last night. I will always aspire to have some of the qualities we remember in you. After months of grief and tears now when i think about you i feel happy and start to smile. I know thats the way you would have wanted it hugs. Fran said last night you were good at making people happy. I luv ya mate,hino... Collapse