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348 entries.
Mum wrote on May 5, 2019
Your happy energy and love still radiate 🙂 Loving you always & forever xoxo
Your happy energy and love still radiate 🙂
Loving you always & forever xoxo... Collapse
Dad wrote on May 5, 2019
I miss you Hug but you’re with me every day in my thoughts and heart. Hug you’re a champ. Love you always. Dad xxxxx
I miss you Hug but you’re with me every day in my thoughts and heart. Hug you’re a champ. Love you always. Dad xxxxx... Collapse
Luke Martin wrote on February 28, 2019
I went to high school with Huggie. He was a few years older than I, and we shared the same bus. As a young teenager, he was someone I admired. I often think of him. I especially remember his graduation – he didn’t mind what he did in his future, so long as he was happy and healthy. I have adopted that outlook ever since.
I went to high school with Huggie. He was a few years older than I, and we shared the same bus. As a young teenager, he was someone I admired. I often think of him. I especially remember his graduation – he didn’t mind what he did in his future, so long as he was happy and healthy. I have adopted that outlook ever since.... Collapse
Mama wrote on October 10, 2018
Happy Birthday darling-heart, enjoy sharing a beer with Pa today! Still hear your laugh still see your smile. Keep shining. I love you, always & forever xoxo
Happy Birthday darling-heart, enjoy sharing a beer with Pa today!
Still hear your laugh still see your smile. Keep shining.
I love you,
always & forever xoxo... Collapse
Dad wrote on October 10, 2018
Happy Birthday Hug. Thirty four years ago today was a very special day. A day of much joy and happiness. I miss you Heath but you travel with me. I feel your presence. I can so easily see your smiling face. Because of this i gain so much strength and comfort. Hug you are a champ Love always and always xxxx Dad
Happy Birthday Hug. Thirty four years ago today was a very special day. A day of much joy and happiness. I miss you Heath but you travel with me. I feel your presence. I can so easily see your smiling face. Because of this i gain so
much strength and comfort.
Hug you are a champ
Love always and always xxxx
Dad... Collapse
Styna wrote on October 10, 2018
Sup Hugz. Flying back to work today so I should be able to high five you my brother!!! Miss you heaps my nigz. Happy birthday mate. Will be tipping some in with ya today as we always have. Much love, Styna/G-Funk
Sup Hugz. Flying back to work today so I should be able to high five you my brother!!! Miss you heaps my nigz. Happy birthday mate. Will be tipping some in with ya today as we always have. Much love, Styna/G-Funk... Collapse
Styna wrote on May 7, 2018
just sitting here thinking how nice it would be to see your face mate walking up the side of Franno’s with you in ya boxers yelling out my name. Boy do I miss your voice. Love you brother. Always and forever!
just sitting here thinking how nice it would be to see your face mate walking up the side of Franno’s with you in ya boxers yelling out my name. Boy do I miss your voice. Love you brother. Always and forever!... Collapse
Dad wrote on May 5, 2018
5.5.18 : Another year Hug without your physical presence but you are as real and part of me today as you were on that wonderful day - Wednesday 10th October 1984. I always look forward to our walk to Doi Suthep on this day. This year it will be even more special as three of us will walk together. Walking with Cam as well today will make it even more special. Miss you and love you always Hug Hug you’re a champ Dad xxxxx
5.5.18 : Another year Hug without your physical
presence but you are as real and part of me today
as you were on that wonderful day - Wednesday 10th October 1984.

I always look forward to our walk to Doi Suthep on this day.
This year it will be even more special as three of us will walk together. Walking with Cam as well today will make it even more special.
Miss you and love you always Hug
Hug you’re a champ
Dad xxxxx... Collapse
Mama wrote on May 5, 2018
The mind replays what the heart can’t delete. (Yasmin Mogahed) Loving you always and forever xoxo
The mind replays what the heart can’t delete. (Yasmin Mogahed)
Loving you always and forever xoxo... Collapse
Duffy wrote on October 10, 2017
Happy birthday hug. No birthday goes by without the boys raising a tin to the sky. Thanks for the memories brother.
Happy birthday hug. No birthday goes by without the boys raising a tin to the sky. Thanks for the memories brother.... Collapse
Mum wrote on October 10, 2017
Happy Birthday darling Huggie! We celebrate you and reflect on your positive attitude, how happy you were and how you chose to be happy every day. Thanks for the massive blanket of love you wrapped around us all. Loving you always and forever, Mama xo People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel. By Maya Angelou
Happy Birthday darling Huggie!
We celebrate you and reflect on your positive attitude, how happy you were and how you chose to be happy every day. Thanks for the massive blanket of love you wrapped around us all.
Loving you always and forever, Mama xo

People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.
By Maya Angelou... Collapse
Yoski x wrote on October 10, 2017
Hug, not a day goes by that you don't bring a smile to my dial and that bitter sweet feeling to the surface of missing you v's being better because of you. Today is all about you and you should be here to enjoy the sunshine and celebrate with us, although in a lot of ways you totally are, I know that now. Love of love & hugs always, Happy Birthday legend. YOSKI xx
Hug, not a day goes by that you don't bring a smile to my dial and that bitter sweet feeling to the surface of missing you v's being better because of you.
Today is all about you and you should be here to enjoy the sunshine and celebrate with us, although in a lot of ways you totally are, I know that now. Love of love & hugs always, Happy Birthday legend. YOSKI xx... Collapse
Dad wrote on October 10, 2017
The happiest of birthdays Hug. I think back to the many birthday parties that you shared with Cam and your friends. The theme usually being 'football'. Thinking of them makes me smile - so much laughter and joy. So many wonderful times. I miss you Hug but the many wonderful and loving times we shared gives me so much comfort and strength. Have a great birthday Hug, you're a champ. Love always Dad xxxx
The happiest of birthdays Hug. I think back to the many birthday parties that you shared with Cam and your friends. The theme usually being 'football'. Thinking of them makes me smile - so much laughter and joy. So many wonderful times. I miss you Hug but the many wonderful and loving times we shared gives me so much comfort and strength.
Have a great birthday Hug, you're a champ.
Love always
Dad xxxx... Collapse
Mama wrote on May 5, 2017
"Life is a whim of billions of cells to be you for a while" by G Marx. Love you, miss you Hug. Love you, miss you... Always and forever Mum xo
"Life is a whim of billions of cells to be you for a while" by G Marx.

Love you, miss you Hug.
Love you, miss you...
Always and forever
Mum xo... Collapse
Dad wrote on May 5, 2017
Hug my thoughts and love are very much with you today. Thanks for always being there for me - your smiling face reminds me to enjoy and appreciate life and all it offers. To make the most of each day. Exactly what you always did Hug. You are a true champ. Love you always Dad xxx
Hug my thoughts and love are very much with you today. Thanks for
always being there for me - your smiling face reminds me to enjoy and appreciate life and all it offers. To make the most of each day. Exactly what you always did Hug. You are a true champ.
Love you always
Dad xxx... Collapse
Dad wrote on December 25, 2016
Happy Christmas Hug, A day that I know you treasured due to your deep love and admiration for your family. I know that you are in the thoughts of everyone today. Your presence is always felt. Love you Hug. Dad xxxx
Happy Christmas Hug, A day that I know you treasured due to your deep love and admiration for your family. I know that you are in the thoughts of everyone today. Your presence is always felt. Love you Hug. Dad xxxx... Collapse
Jack bolts wrote on October 30, 2016
There probably isn't a day that you don't pop into my mind Hug. One little memory or trigger may bring you to my thoughts and although a moment of sadness comes across for a moment, an overwhelming sense of happiness and oomph takes over. Love ya Hug
There probably isn't a day that you don't pop into my mind Hug.
One little memory or trigger may bring you to my thoughts and although a moment of sadness comes across for a moment, an overwhelming sense of happiness and oomph takes over.
Love ya Hug... Collapse
bolts wrote on October 29, 2016
love you, miss you mate
love you, miss you mate... Collapse
Dad wrote on October 10, 2016
Happy birthday Hug. Great to be in Perth with Cam on this special day. As always you are very much in my thoughts today. You continue to be my inspiration and your smile, laughter and positive attitude to every situation is my constant companion. Hug you are a champ. Love you always xxxx
Happy birthday Hug. Great to be in Perth with Cam on this special day. As always you are very much in my thoughts today. You continue to be my inspiration and your smile, laughter and positive attitude to every situation is my constant companion. Hug you are a champ. Love you always xxxx... Collapse
STYNA wrote on October 10, 2016
Happiest of birthdays big nigz. Missing you lots today my friend. Many happy thoughts and memories going through my mind of all of us in the gfunk together. Those times always bring a smile to my face and help get me through the days where I wish you were here with us still. Tippin a few in for you as always my brother. Much love hugs x.
Happiest of birthdays big nigz. Missing you lots today my friend. Many happy thoughts and memories going through my mind of all of us in the gfunk together. Those times always bring a smile to my face and help get me through the days where I wish you were here with us still. Tippin a few in for you as always my brother. Much love hugs x.... Collapse